Wednesday, 17 December 2014

A Dirty Job and Visitors

Today was a Sunny Day (Rosie and Jim, classic)

So with bottom cleaning postponed I set about pretending to be doing something useful on the Yacht.  It was going well until Eric spots me polishing my rowlocks...  'Androo what the bloody hell yoo doin mun?' (he's South African) 'errr.... polishing my rowlocks??',  'What!!!?? you got a diesel tank that needs draining and all the sludge cleaning for gods sake mun!' mmm think I, but that's a dirty smelly job in the bowels of my ship... 'Oh yes but I don't have the.....' ' Androo get in my bloody car we can pick up what you need from my lock up!'  ...bugger....
So once suitably kitted out I was dispatched to the bowels of the vessel for two hours of stiff nuts, rust and WD40.... with Eric tapping his cane on the pontoon and growling 'So yoo wanna be a yachty? Well this is where you start paying! With spanner rash and smelly oil!'.

However, once opened the tank revealed itself to be full (boy do I need a fuel gauge!).  That of course is a double bonus. 1. I would need the Torre Canyon to drain it and  2.  That is a rather expensive amount of diesel :)

So I put the thing back together and cleared up the mess.

Then as I was sitting on the back of my yacht in the sun, talking on the phone to my daughter who was walking home on a cold dark Yorkshire winter evening (he, he, he) my two recently befriended 'hobbits' arrive. Their names are I.N.A and Squidgy (perhaps not what their parents called them, although Squidgy seems to think he just appeared one day in a puff of smoke...).  They are 'Freegans' eating what society throws away and  sleeping where they can.  They are really nice free spirits and excellent company.  It seems we are now life long friends as they just hopped on my yacht sat down and began chatting.  They are hoping to get a boat to the Caneries, they are too late for that really, but if anyone can 'charm' their way to a passage they can!..  They lived in a cave when they where in Granada and where disappointed not to find one in Gibraltar.  On the plus side they have invited themselves to spend Christmas with me and laughed like mischievous pixies when I protested that I don't do Christmas!! So although I hope they get boat south, if they don't Christmas could be very different especially as they will be providing the food!

Eric does not talk like that and does not  have a cane, it is just for comedy purposes but the hobbits are real.

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